I just wanted to share a story from the week before half term. We were doing the first session of going to the doctors. At the local surgery, if you want an appointment for the same day, you have to wait for a call back from the GP to assess how urgent your need is. This involves being able to explain to the GP what the problem is. We had just modelled a phone conversation using this scenario, when one of the women approached me. She explained that she was currently expecting a call from the GP as her daughter was unwell. Her problem was that she didn’t know how to explain over the phone what was wrong. I was able to give her some key words to use for the part of the body affected (which we hadn’t covered earlier in the session) and words to describe what was wrong. A short while later she left the session to take the call from the GP. When she came back in she was so happy – she had been able to explain exactly what the problem was, the GP had understood and given her an appointment for her daughter for later that day.
Easton Jubilee